el artista

Voy a ir al infierno con los borrachos, las putas, poetas, maricones y otras gentes de mal vivir. El cielo debe ser muy aburrido para mí.

Me llamo Ismael Álvarez. Nací en Ayamonte, Huelva, Andalucía, España. Hijo de guardia civil y de madre gitana, no pudo salir otra cosa que un culo inquieto como yo. Mi madre es quizá la que me dotó del buen manejo del lápiz, ya que en el embarazo, mientras otras tienen antojo de chocolate y similares, a ella le dio por dibujar. Llenó cuadernos enteros de mujeres voluptuosas, de grandes pechos, enormes culos, y sexo, mucho sexo.

Estudié Bellas Artes en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ciudad en la que he vivido desde que era muy pequeño. Es en Madrid donde empecé a trabajar como ilustrador, diseñador y fotógrafo; pasando por el mundo de la moda, televisión e interpretación. Ahora viviendo en Barcelona.

Mis trabajos los podrás encontrar en publicaciones como VOGUE Japan, Rolling Stone Magazine,  The Sunday Times, Playboy, GayTimes, etc. Siempre me ha gustado probar en diversos y distintos campos, por eso me cuesta decir que no a las distintas ofertas que me ofrecen, y lo mismo podrás encontrarme en una revista famosa a nivel internacional, que en un fanzine de barrio fotocopiado.

Me encanta el arte, en todas sus vertientes. Adoro a Gustav Klimt, Warhol y Lichtenstein. Me fascina Tom de Finlandia, marcó mi vida profesional y personal, es el dios del arte homoerótico. Adoro el mundo del erotismo, e incluso la pornografía.

the artist

I am going to hell with the drunks, the whores, the poets, the fags and other disreputable people. Heaven must be extremely boring for me.

My name is Ismael Álvarez. I was born in Ayamonte, Huelva, Andalucia, Spain. Having a civil guard as a father and a gipsy mother, it was obvious I would end up being this antsy. If I had to blame someone for my drawing skills, I would choose my mum with no doubt. While she was pregnant, instead of eating chocolates or any other craving, she felt more like drawing. She filled many notebooks with voluptuous women with big breasts, huge butts and sex, a lot of sex.

I studied Fine Arts at Universidad Complutense (Madrid), the city where I lived since I was a little child. It was in Madrid where I started my career as illustrator, graphic designer and photographer. Apart from this, I was also in contact with the fashion and the acting world and television. Now living in Barcelona.

You can find some of my works in publications such as VOGUE Japan, Rolling Stone Magazine, The Sunday Times, Playboy, GayTimes, among many others. I have always enjoyed working in different fields; that is the reason I find quite hard to reject the offers I am proposed. So you can easily see my work either in an international famous magazine or in a printed fanzine of any neighborhood.

I love art at every level. Gustav Klimt, Warhol and Lichtenstein are very inspirational, although Tom of Finland is who fascinates me the most. He is the god of the homoerotic art. I really like eroticism, and even pornography.

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